Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Documentary analysis.

The devil made me do it:

  • Type of documentary

Expository - voice of god, images to illustrate the voice over.

Channel 4 - made for a particular

  • Narrative structure

Enigma code - starts with Marylin Manson, then goes to a nun being murdered, make the audience ask questions.

Makes sense after murders reasons for killing the enigma code beginning to be answered, links to Marylin Manson.

What happened to the girls writing on the screen closed narrative.

  • Camerawork

Framing of talking heads.

Captions - same writing, consist graphics throughout.

Establishing shot of cemetery, signify new sequence.

Handheld work in the woods to make spooky and as if the murders are walking through

Handheld camerawork so it is like the audience is there - frantic.

  • Mise-en-scene

Hard and shoulder shot of the journalist - Vatican reporter ( were the pope lives).

Religious poster and book shelves.

Reenacting what happened - made to look spooky in the dark.

Police detective - background shows his importance.

Dark images to show the time of day it happens.

Friends - informal interview signifies the murders attitude - relaxing, smoking and negative.

Allot of people being interviewed - wide range, some formal.

Audience and institution

Niche audience - small particular audience on channel 4

  • Sound

Diegetic - translator voice over, person talking.

Non-diegetic - music made to sound sad - signify how we are meant to feel.

Non-diegetic - phone sound.


They use their confessions and sounds instead of reenactment.

Voice of god - formal mode of address.

  • Editing

Cutaways during interview.

  • Archive Material

Marylin Manson concert performance.

  • Graphics

Writing - Black background, silver stereotypical associated with devil, 'T' is a cross.

The music biz - market meatloaf

  • Type of documentary

BBC 2 documentary - educational.

Expository - making music is all about money - getting told what to think about documentary and music industry.

  • Narrative structure

Sets the scene at the Brit awards in first 5 minutes then goes to the main part about meatloaf does this through the awards.

Should is campaign then shows us that is was all a success.

  • Camerawork

Handheld camera work whilst they are looking at the red carpet, makes more exciting as if the audience is there.

Point of view shot when the camera walks through a door and shows a pass, puts the audience into a press conference.

  • Mise-en-scene

Interviews removed background of talking head and replaces it with videos of meatloaf.

Also interview behind meatloaf.

Interviews fade in and out and are on opposite sides of the scene (camera work).

Interviews in office showing they are busy.

  • Sound

Male voice over, authority and it about a male

Voice over opinionated

Music is building up to the question

  • Editing

Trying to create a pace and energy to the documentary - going to interviews with meatloaf and the director of the music video

Cross fades of lots of things so we know what they are talking about

  • Archive material

Meatloaf performing on stage and video

Uses allot of still images, videos, performances

  • Graphics

Interview made to look like its in a magazine

Moving images behind the person instead of a static background

Sound bites of people who could be in the documentary

Name of the programme with every caption gives the show an identity

Quotes going across the middle of the screen.

That thing Lara Croft

  • Type of documentary
Expository - Voice of god, images anchor voice over

  • Narrative structure
Explaining how Lara Croft has become so big and how she has starts as just a video game.

Is seen as a sex symbol comparing her to Barbie and Madonna.
  • Camera work
Static camera work, talking heads.
  • Mise-en-scene
Filmed interviews in front of a green screen with clips of the video game.

Angelina Jolie interview static background maybe shows they didn't have the technology for a green.
  • Sound
Music makes the interview seem more fast paced

Voice over man, target audience male.
  • Editing
Cutaways to the game in between interviews also of the movie with Angelina Jolie.

Quick cut ways make the the pace faster.

Interview with Angelina - cutaways mainly the movie.

Cutaways to website for Lara Croft.
  • Archive material
Of the game

The movie

  • Graphics
Interview made to look like it is in a computer screen

Lara Croft in the middle of the screen.

An Idiot Abroad
  • Type of documentary

Expository - Voice of God.

Sky1 Niche audience - comedy and sci -fi shows.

  • Theme


  • Narrative Structure

Shows what is going to happen throughout the series makes us want to watch it.

He gets introduced to what he has to do.

He goes to chine and feels like he cant communicate with people and e is digusted by the food market, toliets, coaches and disappointed in the Great wall of China.

The point of the documentary is to out this man in a unfamiliar environment and see how he reacts.

  • Camera work

Handheld camera work as if we are following him.

Static camera work when he is being interviewed.

Filmed above Chinese people to show how he stands out with his height.

Shot-reverse-shot showing a conversation.

Medium close up shows his disgust in toilets in China .

Tracking shot showing he is lost and alone.

  • Mise-en-scene

Montage of everything to expect in the programme.

Oriental rooms reminds the audience were he is.

Chinese market and he stands out with his clothes, height and food he is eating.

  • Sound

Beginning larger thuds - danger to him, fast paces music as he arrives to China.

Light music as he arrives to his hotel - Juxtaposed with his mood.

Voice over - male voice.

Translator for the Chinese man - womens voice.

  • Editing

Quick makes it more fast paced.

Cutaways while he is talking to Chinese fortune teller and Chinese looking orniments.

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