Friday, 1 October 2010

Running Order.

Thursday, 7 October 2010Running Order
Channel: Channel 4
Scheduling: Thursday 25th November 9:30- 10:00pm
Duration: 27 minutes (including advert)

• Establishing the plot of the documentary- summary -30 secs
Grabs the audience’s attention and makes them watch more
• Opening titles - 20 secs
• Tracking shot of people sitting in a line with their heads down
So we can see all their hair, when it gets to the end they swish
Their hair. - 30 secs
• Interview with three people about why they their hair. -1 minute 30
• Interview with high end hairdressers about how they like to
Make peoples hair different and nice. - 2minutes
• Montage of woman’s hairstyles through the decades - 30 secs
• Interview with older woman who have had these hairstyles - 1 minute
• Archive material of different celebrities performing or being
Filmed by paparazzi in the 70’s, 80’s….. - 1 minutes 30
• Archive footage of these hair styles being done- - 30 secs
• Vox pops of people in Liverpool who have crazy hair - 2 minutes
• Close up of someone’s hair pan out and they shake their hair - 20 secs


• Close up of a hair style, then pan around the head with the title
Superimposed - 20 secs
• Different hair styles from the past and present being shown with
A voice over talking about how things have changed in the hair
industry. – 1 minute
• Interview with a Barbour about his job, and then footage of him
Doing a persons hair. - 1 minute 30
• Interview with a person who hairdressers old people, then with
A montage of elderly peoples hair, with a voice over. - 2 minute 30
• Interview with all three hairdressing experts about the
Cosmetics which they use on different hair and voicing their
Opinions on one and other are choices. - 1 minute 30
• Montage of different things that are used on hair, with a
Voiceover describing the products. -30 secs
• Interview with a elderly person after getting there hair done - 1minute 30
• Archive footage of elderly people getting there hair done - 30 secs
• Interview with a man and a woman who have had their hair
Done in a top salon. Asking why they go their and what they
Prefer about it. – 2 minutes
• Interview with a top stylist from the 80’s with archive footage - 2 minutes 30
• Archive material of hair models, modelling different styles from
The past 40 years. – 1 mitute 30
• Ending credits - 1 minute

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